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A walk along the canal today focused on what the canals' ecology held. a number of principle Groups where there CBWG, Calderdale MBC, FEET, (Freshwater Ecology Environment Trust )  Todmorden Naturalists and River and Canals Trust ( British Waterways) . Images to be Added Present from CBWG where GH BH MH  From Calderdale MBC HF  From FEET , CD.

CB Map xx copy

  • In regard to cutting regimes along the canal by the principle Body British Water. A suggestion of small discrete signage directing contractors to avoid 1 - 2 m around Rare or Scarce Plants , Nesting Birds or other Notable flora or fauna . Local Knowlegde from groups or CBWG could assist in this role and possibly consist of small laminated sign cues placed for contractors to see on approach to the area to be mainatained etc The importance of the adjacent Canal and associated Tree Line to Cromwell LNR is of important ecological consideration to the reserve . Spraying regimes on water bodies and transient species nesting accross habitats are therefore important considerations to get right in the engaement of contractors and there is a duty of care owed amongst other legal considerations\
  • We touched upon Dog Fouling.  FEET assessment : The issue is the instalation of a Receptiical Bin ( ideally at Brook at site entry just past Anglers Pond entrance. The two responsible bodies would be British Waterways (Duty of Care) and Calderdale MBC (  Public Health). The issue appears to be who would install and pay fot it ( our view the former) and who would empty  it ( our view the latter) . 
  • This would ensure that from Brookfoot to Crowther Bridge a facility for disposing dog foul would be present keeping the perimeter of the LNR Clear and cleanFEET looked at the possibility of restoring the small triangular piece of land as a Wild flower (Tansy) feature and putting an interpretation Board at this POC Point of Contact whilst technically off the reserve it is a significant  high impact area at the opposite proximity of Crowther BridgeFloating Water Plantain Luronium natans
  • Floating water-plantain occurs in a range of freshwater situations, including nutrient-poorlakes in the uplands and slowly-flowing lowland rivers, pools, ditches and canals that are moderately nutrient-rich. It thrives best in open situations with a moderate degree of disturbance, where the growth of emergent vegetation is held in check.

        Floating Water Plantain 21909

        Luronium natans  occurs as two forms: in shallow water with floating oval leaves, and in deep water with submerged rosettes of narrow leaves. The plant thrives best in open situations with a moderate degree of disturbance, where the growth of emergent vegetation is held in check. Populations fluctuate greatly in size, often increasing when water levels drop to expose the bottom of the water body. Populations fluctuate from year to year, and at many sites records of L. natans have been infrequent, suggesting that only small populations occur, in some cases possibly as transitory colonists of the habitat. Populations tend to be more
        stable at natural sites than artificial ones, but approximately half of recent (post-1980) records are from canals and similar artificial habitats. Its habitat in rivers has been greatly reduced by channel-straightening, dredging and pollution, especially in lowland situations.

        Floating water-plantain Luronium natans Flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus

        Flowering Rush 22089

        2160 Bright-line Brown Eye Caterpillar 
        Lacanobia oleracea

        2160 Bright-line Brown-eye 21200

        Orthops campestris
        Green Shieldbug
        Trichoptera ( Caddis Flies) x3 Species TBC
        Orange Ladybird 
        Harlequin Ladybird
        2-Spot Ladybird
        7-Spot Ladybird
        14-Spot Ladybird
        22-Spot ladybird
        Great Black Slug
        Moth TBC

        Birds Nest
        Red Campion

        Pale Willowherb
        Rosevbay willowherb
        Great Willowherb

        Flowering Rush
        Floating Water Plantain

        Herb Robert
        Harvestman Dicranocephalus ramosus
        Marsh Woundwort
        Metalina sp
        Larinoides Cornutus
        White Legged Millipede

        Liocorus tripustulatus Mirid
        Common Darter

        Dicranopalpus ramosus
        Leioburnum rotundum
        Cepeae nemoralis
        Cepeae hortensis


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